eLPA - electronic Layered Process Audit

eLPA - Software for Layered Process Audit: planning, mobile input, processing of findings (action management), reports and dashboards. Automated planning for up to 5 layers, with MS Outlook invitations and reminders


Hundreds of plants and thousands of users are working with SCIIL eLPA. Some of our big customers were so friendly to provide us the results of their internal “case studies”: they measured the time the workers were spending before they introduced our software compared to the time they are spending now.

The motivation for the internal case studies was to quantify the time (and thus money) to find out the advantages of digitalization of the Layered Process Audits.

So - Yes, they really used the stopwatches to measure the time spent! And they verified the results by making the same in several plants.

We are proud to be able to present you the results:
Here you can find the product video on Youtube.


Everyone dealing with LPA knows the stress of monthly planning of audits and auditors. The auditors are engaged in other activities, are busy, are getting ill, have days off, the Qualification Certificate is expired, etc. Planning, phoning, informing and sending invites. And a week after something has changed and you have to shift the audits again!

Not so with our eLPA: electronic calendar with planning per one-button-click, automated sending of Outlook invites and reminders.

As a result, the electronic “Scheduler” shows the “planned / done / overdue” audits, and the KPI dashboard indicates the performance (Audits “planned-to-performed”) online, in real-time.

No wonder the enormous time savings here!


LPA Audit input
You may think putting a tick on a paper does not take more time than doing the same on a smartphone. But consider as well:
  • Instructions for the auditors in text and picture forms are always at hand and are always up to date
  • Auditors can take photos of their findings for the later processing
  • The system detects and indicates the recurring problems
  • Smart randomization of the checklists
  • And most importantly: Nobody has to transfer the results of the audits from paper into Excel, print pictures and diagrams, and update a physical “LPA board” with the new “centers of gravity”!
And let’s be honest: the modern way of work just makes much more fun!


The typical way of working: a single finding results is one file, with cause analysis and case actions. Keeping an overview requires working through all these files and updating lists with states: list of findings, actions, etc.

Here is our way: you will…
  • …have immediate access to all lists, with sorting functions and filters
  • …always know that the persons in charge will be informed automatically – and something remains undone, a reminder will be sent
  • …have an automatic detection and highlighting of recurring problems
  • …be able to monitor the effectiveness of the actions for future recommendations („lessons learned“)
Not bad, isn’t it?...


Well, you may expect modern software to be able to give the reports per „one-button-click“.

Besides, we are providing this overview in real-time with our online dashboards.

No data post-processing – therefore, this enormous time saving was reported in the case study time. Meanwhile, the system even sends you your reports via email. Example: On Mondays at 8 am, you will find the past week’s reports with the Top 5 most current problems, the KPI of the audit performance and the list of the open overdue actions in your inbox.
More than thousands installations worldwide, thousands of satisfied auditors and managers motivated us to bring the SCIIL eLPA Audit software tool to the modern SaaS platform. The obvious advantages are:
  • “Pay at use” – no hidden costs
  • Update and upgrade service included
  • No investments, no CAPEX – affordable operating costs
  • No IT administration and infrastructure – we will host your software
  • No significant time investment - implementation within some days, not weeks
Electronic Layered Process Audit (eLPA) is characterized by its intuitive handling and excellent functionality ... "
Jürgen Müller, Plant Manager (ADIENT)


Marktstraße 83
56564 Neuwied
+49 (0) 2631 999 88-99


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